Diskussionsveranstaltung zum BayKiBiG

Veröffentlicht am 12.04.2011 in Veranstaltungen

Auf Einladung von MdL Susann Biedefeld kommt die stellv. Vorsitzende der SPD-Landtagsfraktion, Johanna Werner-Muggendorfer, am Donnerstag, den 5. Mai 2011 ab 19 Uhr zu einer Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Thema „TOP oder Flop? – Wo ist beim BayKiBiG Korrekturbedarf?“ ins Hotel Stern nach Ebersdorf bei Coburg.

Die Einladung zu der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier. Den Rückmeldebogen hier.


Homepage SPD Coburg-Land


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Thanks for the history losesn, professor! I woke up early too, and wonered when the wedding was scheduled only to find out that it was already going on. I watched it and enjoyed greatly all of the ceremonial activities and the flamboyant unilforms. She was serene and beautiful, he was serene and handsome. (At least they seemed serene.) They seem very committed to one another for the long haul. Charles and Diana were a sad story.

Autor: Jiraporn, Datum: 02.09.2013, 06:10 Uhr


Due do patrilineal desenct, Charles wont inherit his mother's Saxe-Coburg-Gotha house (or surname, Wettin ) he'll get Phillip's Schleswig-Holstein-Sunderberg-Glucksberg house and surname of Mountbatten (actually Battenburg', changed in the first big war they had with their cousins).QE2 changed this in 1960 by saying all her children will be referred to as Windsor, but its still been known for Anne, Andrew and Edward to use Mountbatten-Windsor, while Chucky keeps just Windsor.Interesting to read this on the day I also read of the last Plantagenet king being beheaded on the battlefield & having posthumous mischief done about his person prior to interment of what they left of him in a pauper's pit

Autor: Kyaw, Datum: 01.09.2013, 23:24 Uhr

Mach mit - werde Mitglied!

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